A better day on the Erie…

We deserved a break today and got one. There was still wind but nothing like the day before. We traversed six more locks and could have done more but were lured to stop by the promise of a Walmart six blocks from the dock. So tonight finds us at Herkimer Terminal Wall. More on this later.

I think I will take the easy route tonight and give you pictures and captions and you fill in the rest.

Repairs in progress on a RR bridge damaged in the 2011 floods. This was next to the lock we were inside.

First houseboat we have seen up here.

Chewing gum anyone?

Lots and lots of locks.

Mother duck and four youngsters hitchhiked through this lock with us. They had a bit of a rough ride when the pumps started but held on and were first out when the doors opened.

Letting it all hang out. Relaxing along the river.

The Amish enjoy a different style of letting it all hang out and the horse gets to relax in the shade.

Urger is an old friend we met in 2007. We went to dinner with the crew. It is an educational tool that tours the canal system and allows school children to come aboard. No-one was home so we could not stop and visit.

The only thing we passed today.

They could have paid us and gotten a better view.

All tied up at Herkimer.

Now that’s one way to keep anyone from stealing your bike at the Walmart.

Weather permitting it is our plan to scoot across Lake Oneida tomorrow and stop at Brewerton but this is iffy because believe it or not there can be six foot waves on that lake if the wind has been blowing from the west. And that is exactly where it has been blowing from for two solid days. It is calm tonight and if tomorrow stays settled down it might be smooth enough to cross when we get there at midday. Wish us luck.